When the photographer arrives to your home, we have some suggestions to make your home look its best. Remember the camera and the 360 Virtual Tour camera will pick up everything so its best to hide the clutter which will make the home look more inviting.
Put any unnecessary items away. The more simple your house looks, the better. Before the photographer arrives make sure all window coverings are open, lights are on, cars are removed from the front of the house and the driveway. If you have a pool with a waterfall, make sure it is running. Fresh flowers inside the home and outside the front door is always a good idea. See below for more detailed suggestions.
Due to the nature of our cameras and 360 Virtual Tour cameras, it is a good idea for the occupants to vacate the house during the shoot so they will not be captured in the photos. The shoot will typically take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
There are many things you can do to prepare your home to look its best for a photography shoot BEFORE your scheduled appointment. Here are some general tips:
- Clean the whole house (vacuum carpet, mop hard floors, clean countertops,
clean windows) - Replace all burned-out light bulbs
- Remove personal photographs (or replace with general landscape/object
photographs) - Make all beds
- Remove small floor rugs to reveal actual flooring and get a cleaner look
- Put all clothes in closets
- Consider removing some furniture to make the house appear more spacious
Tip: The photographer does not photograph the inside of the garage, so this is a good place to stash extra items if needed.
Tips for Making the Interior look its BEST:
- Clear countertops – less is more
- Leave a couple of stylish items on the counter (a coffee maker or a bowl of fruit)
- Make sure all dishes are put away
- Hide garbage cans and recycling bins
- Make sure the front of your refrigerator is clear of all magnets, pictures, etc.
- Clear dining table. Consider having a vase of fresh flowers on the table
- Straighten all chairs and space them evenly
- Remove children’s high chairs
Living Room/Family Room
- Remove magazines, papers, mail, and random clutter
- Make things as tidy as possible by arranging books, etc. in an orderly manner
- Remove toys
- Fluff and arrange furniture pillows
- Hide and/or arrange cables from TV, stereo and other electrical devices
- Bedding should be in matching colors, have no wrinkles and no discoloring or fading
- Make the beds and include decorative pillows/shams if available
- Pillows should be wrinkle-free, fluffed, matching and arranged neatly
- Remove personal belongings like pictures, clothing, slippers, electronics, and clutter
- Remove trash cans
- Clean under the bed to remove items that may show in the photos
- Clear countertops of all personal toiletry items. Consider leaving a decorative soap dispenser, etc.
- Put toilet seats down
- Remove shampoo, soap, etc. from showers and tubs
- Remove dirty towels. Hang up clean towels in matching colors
Tips for Making the Exterior look its BEST:
- Make sure garage doors are closed
- Remove all cars in the driveway and in front of the house
- Attend to landscaping (mow the lawn, trim bushes and remove leaves)
- Remove dead foliage and empty planters
- Remove trash cans so they are not visible
- Remove visible water hoses, ladders, and any other objects that don't need to be seen
- Remove any seasonal decor (for example, Christmas lights if it is not Christmas time)
- Tidy up outdoor tables, chairs, and fluff cushions
- Clean the pool
- Consider adding flowers and a new doormat to the front of the house make it more inviting